Migrating offline account saves/achievements to online account possible?

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Normal matches are pretty rare, seems to only way to get consistent matches is to buy boosts…. Make sure that you create a free Xbox LIVE Silver Membership. We have received your email and I understand that you want to know how to keep achievements from an offline profile when you create a new Gamertag on Xbox LIVE.

We have received your email and I understand that you want to know how to keep achievements from an offline profile when you create a new Gamertag on Xbox LIVE. Hvis status viser Arbejder Offline, skal du gentage handlingen, indtil statussen ændres til tilsluttet. Mange mennesker bruger en POP3- eller IMAP-konto fra deres internetudbyder eller en HTTP-konto, f.

Migrating offline account saves/achievements to online account possible? - Hvor slår man det fra?

To do this, I got on the XBox site and got myself a shiny new Gamertag. Thing is, my online gamertag and offline game profile the latter with all my achievements, points, games played etc are under two different names, as the name I use for my gamerprofile is a common one and was not available when I went to use it as my online gamertag. I'm wondering two things - firstly, how can merge things so I have my offline profile become my online one, and secondly, I understand there is a cost involved in terms of Microsoft points - can someone confirm that for me? If your original gamertag was a completely offline profile, NOT a free silver account then you are SOL and have to just create a new profile for online. Please someone prove me wrong, I had a friend who just went through this and was quite annoyed when microsoft told her that she couldnt merge them. You will not lose anything. The only way around the cost is if your tag gets reported as offensive enough times, then MS will force you to change it at no cost. Still no one to refute what I said in my first answer? I was really hoping someone would, since I am basically going off second hand information. I don't want to be right on that point. I purchased a Live 12 month card. Through the Xbox 360 while logged in as my offline profile, I added the game card and it took my offline profile and converted it to a Live Gold profile, keeping my gamer score. I'm pretty sure this is the way you have to do it if you want to keep your gamer score.


Do scor vis profil ofline have an estimated as to how many weeks of inactivity leas to a decrease in the internal score. Som standard opretter og bruger Cachelagret Social-tilstand en offlinemappefil. If this is the same name as your placeholder Gamertag, the Gamertag In Use screen appears. I apologize for the inconvenience that this might have caused you. If you don't want this information to be stored on our server, please refer to to north your data to be deleted. Mange folk bruger en POP3- eller IMAP-konto fra deres internetudbyder ISP eller en webbaseret konto, f. Jeg kan ikke regne ud hvorfor, og har tjekket indstillingerne. I purchased a Live 12 month card. Davis has some struggles mirroring routes in u and is best as a full-time press corner who is able to use his length and strength to take wideouts out of their game. Det eneste tidspunkt, hvor du måske ønsker at arbejde offline, er, når du vil have fuld kontrol over, hvad der hentes til den lokale kopi af La-postkassen.